Our Community Investment Program

At Foran Mining Corporation, we are committed to making a positive impact in the communities where we operate. Our Community Investment Program is designed to ensure that every contribution we make is strategic, consistent, and transparent. It’s not just a program; it’s a commitment to building a brighter future together.

The Foran Community Investment Program is aligned with Foran’s vision to give more to the world than we take through net positive actions.

The principles of our community investment approach are both business and engagement driven and drive community investment that is strategic.

Our community investments:

Are locally focused around the area of our flagship McIlvenna Bay Project
Advance reconciliation with and prosperity of Indigenous peoples
Improve the physical and mental health of youth, elders, Indigenous women and girls, survivors of generational trauma and persons with disabilities
Align with our goal of a Zero Carbon future
Support programs offered by charities, non‐profit and community organizations

Apply to our Community Investment Program today and be a catalyst for change!

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1Contact Information
2Group or Organization Information
3Financial Need
4Support Specifics
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